Perhaps there is reason to begin with beginnings. This "blog" started on a whim as we enjoyed a third glass of wine and a second plate of small tastings - not tapas in the usual sense mind you - at a rough communal table in a new and obscenely polished wine bar in our greater NYC neighborhood. Initially we, the Hungry Professor and Mary Ann, thought that we would plop down in myriad venues and wend our way through their gustatory and libationary offerings and do what we do always - swallow languorously and offer judgment quickly. No doubt, that is something we will continue to do as new restaurants appear and new opportunities make themselves known; however, just that seemed small, a bit too slight a venture. Truth be told - whether together or on our own adventures - we are more roundly epicurean than that. Rather than simply criticing an individual meal (so much more humanly elegant than airily guaging only a wine alone you foppish aesthetes) this bit of electronic parchment will be about our broader sensualist experiences. So join us as we take off, and as always, each adventure begins with the first drink.

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